Section 2 General requirements
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 5 Main and Auxiliary Machinery - Chapter 9 Podded Propulsion Units - Section 2 General requirements

Section 2 General requirements

2.1 Pod arrangement

2.1.1 In general, for a ship to be assigned an unrestricted service notation, a minimum of two podded propulsion units are to be provided where these form the sole means of propulsion. For vessels where a single podded propulsion unit is the sole means of propulsion, an evaluation of a detailed engineering and safety justification will be conducted by LR, see Pt 5, Ch 9, 2.2 Plans and information to be submitted 2.2.2 This evaluation process will include the appraisal of a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to verify that sufficient levels of redundancy and monitoring are incorporated in the podded propulsion unit's essential support systems and operating equipment.

2.2 Plans and information to be submitted

2.2.1  In addition to the plans required by Pt 5, Ch 5 Gearing, Pt 5, Ch 6 Main Propulsion Shafting, Pt 5, Ch 7 Propellers, Pt 5, Ch 8 Shaft Vibration and Alignment, Pt 5, Ch 14 Machinery Piping Systems and Pt 5, Ch 19 Steering Systems, and Pt 6, Ch 1 Control Engineering Systems and Pt 6, Ch 2 Electrical Engineering, the following plans and information are required to be submitted for appraisal:

  1. Description of the ship’s purpose/capabilities together with the pod’s intended operational modes in support of these capabilities.

  2. Power transmitted at MCR condition (shaft power and rpm) and other maximum torque conditions, e.g. bollard pull.

  3. Maximum transient thrust, torque and other forces and moments experienced during all envisaged operating modes as permitted by the steering and propulsor drive control systems.

  4. Details of the electric propulsion motor short-circuit torque and motor air gap tolerance.

  5. Sectional assembly in the Z-X plane, see Figure 9.2.1 Pod co-ordinate system.

  6. Specifications of materials and NDE procedures for components essential for propulsion and steering operation to include propulsion shaft and slewing ring bearings, gearing and couplings, see Pt 5, Ch 9, 3.1 General.

  7. The declared steering angle limits are to be stated by manufacturer for each podded propulsion unit;
  8. Details of intended manoeuvring capability of the ship in each operating condition. (To be declared by the shipyard, see also Pt 5, Ch 9, 5.6 Steering system 5.6.2)

  9. Design loads for both the pod structure and propeller together with podded propulsion unit design operating modes (see Pt 5, Ch 9, 2.4 Global loads 2.4.1, Pt 5, Ch 9, 5.3 Propulsion shafting 5.3.7, Pt 5, Ch 9, 5.6 Steering system 5.6.10 and Pt 5, Ch 9, 5.6 Steering system 5.6.11).

  10. Supporting data and direct calculation reports. This is to include, where applicable, an assessment of anticipated global accelerations acting on the ship's machinery and equipment which may potentially affect the reliable operation of the propulsion system for all foreseeable seagoing and operating conditions. Typically, this may include response to slamming, extreme ship motions and pod interaction. See also Pt 5, Ch 9, 1.1 General 1.1.5.

  11. Structural component details including: strut, pod body, bearing supports, bearing end caps, ship's structure in way of podded propulsion unit integration and a welding Table showing a key to weld symbols used on the plans specifying weld size, type, preparation and heat treatment. The information should include the following:

    • Detailed drawings showing the structural arrangement, dimensions and scantlings.
    • Welding and structural details.
    • Connections between structural components (bolting).
    • Casting's chemical and mechanical properties.
    • Forging's chemical and mechanical properties.
    • Material grades for plate and sections
  12. Nozzle structure, its support arrangements, together with related calculations for all permitted operating conditions where the propeller operates in a nozzle (duct), see Pt 3, Ch 13, 3 Fixed and steering nozzles.

  13. Propeller shaft bearing mounting and housing arrangement details, see also Pt 5, Ch 9, 5.3 Propulsion shafting 5.3.6

  14. Details of propeller shaft and steering bearings, where roller bearings are used supporting calculations are to be submitted, see Pt 5, Ch 9, 5.3 Propulsion shafting 5.3.7 and Pt 5, Ch 9, 5.6 Steering system 5.6.11.

  15. Propeller shaft seal details.

  16. Details of propeller shaft and pod steering securing/locking and means of aligning the securing/locking arrangements.

  17. Cooling systems piping system schematic.

  18. Details of any lubricating oil conditioning systems (filtering/cooling/heating) and control arrangements necessary to ensure the continuous availability of the required lubricating oil quality to the propeller shaft bearings.

  19. Details of installed condition monitoring equipment.

  20. Details of the derivation of any duty factor used in the design of the steering gears.

  21. Identification of any potentially hazardous atmospheric conditions together with details of how the hazard will be countered, this should include a statement of the maximum anticipated air temperature within the pod during full power steady state operation, see Pt 5, Ch 9, 2.3 Pod internal atmospheric conditions

  22. Where provided, access and closing arrangements for pod unit inspection and maintenance.

  23. Heat balance calculations for pods having an electric propulsion motor but no active cooling system, see Pt 5, Ch 9, 5.7 Ventilation and cooling systems 5.7.4.

  24. Details of proposed testing and trials required by Pt 5, Ch 9, 8 Testing and trials.

  25. Details of emergency steering and pod securing arrangements. See Pt 5, Ch 9, 5.3 Propulsion shafting 5.3.11.

  26. Quality plan for electronic control systems and electrical actuating systems.

Figure 9.2.1 Pod co-ordinate system

2.2.2  Where an engineering and safety justification report is required, the following supporting information is to be submitted:

2.2.3 Recommended installation, inspection, maintenance and component replacement procedures (see also Pt 5, Ch 9, 4.1 Pod structure 4.1.2). This is to include any in-water/underwater engineering procedures where recommended by the pod manufacturer. See also Pt 5, Ch 9, 5.5 Bearing lubrication system 5.5.7 andPt 5, Ch 9, 9 Installation, maintenance and replacement procedures.

2.3 Pod internal atmospheric conditions

2.3.1 Machinery and electrical equipment installed within the pod unit are to be suitable for operation, without degraded performance, at the maximum anticipated air temperature and humidity conditions within the pod unit with the pod operating at its maximum continuous rating in sea water of not less than 32°C after steady state operating conditions have been achieved.

2.3.2 Precautions are to be taken to prevent as far as reasonably practicable the possibility of danger to personnel and damage to equipment arising from the development of hazardous atmospheric conditions within the pod unit. Circumstances that may give rise to these conditions are to be identified and the counter measures taken are to be defined.

2.4 Global loads

2.4.1 The overall strength of the podded propulsion unit structure is to be based upon the maximum anticipated in-service loads, including, the effects of ship manoeuvring and of ship motion (see Pt 3, Ch 14, 1.7 Symbols and definitions, in Pt 3, Ch 14 Cargo Securing Arrangements). This is to include the effects of any pod to pod and/or pod to ship hydrodynamic interference effects. The designer is to supply the following maximum load and moment values to which the unit may be subjected with a description of the operating conditions at which they occur.

  • F x, Force in the longitudinal direction;
  • F y, Force in the transverse direction;
  • F z, self weight, in water, augmented by the ship’s pitch and heave motion and flooded volume where applicable, see Pt 3, Ch 14 Cargo Securing Arrangements;
  • M x, moment at the slewing ring about the pod unit’s global longitudinal axis;
  • M y, moment at the slewing ring about the pod unit’s global transverse axis;
  • M z, moment at the slewing ring about the pod unit’s vertical axis (maximum dynamic duty steering torque on steerable pods).

The directions of the X, Y and Z axes, with the origin at the centre of the slewing ring, are shown in Figure 9.2.1 Pod co-ordinate system.

2.4.2 Where the maximum forces and moments defined in Pt 5, Ch 9, 2.4 Global loads 2.4.1 cannot be accurately calculated, then, an estimate of these loadings is to be stated together with an assessment of the associated error tolerances for the sequences of permitted design manoeuvres, see Pt 5, Ch 9, 1.1 General 1.1.7. Typically this will include emergency astern manoeuvres, zig zag manoeuvres and pod interaction. Such estimates are to be defined on a load versus pod angle basis. In the case of pod to pod and/or pod to ship hydrodynamic interaction effects these, must be defined for the most severely affected propulsor.

2.4.3 Where control systems are installed to limit the operation of the podded drive to defined angles at defined ship speeds, this information may be taken into consideration when determining the pod unit loading.

2.4.4 Where pod units are fixed about their Z axis, then maximum global loads, to be used as the basis of the structural appraisal, are to be determined for inflows in 5 degree increments between the extremes of anticipated inflow angle during manoeuvring with ship at full speed and maximum propeller thrust.

2.4.5 The podded propulsor is to be capable of withstanding a blade root failure due to fatigue occurring at the maximum rated output of the podded propulsor without initiating a failure in other parts of the propulsor system.

2.5 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

2.5.1 An FMEA is to be carried out where a single podded propulsion unit is the vessel’s sole means of propulsion, see Pt 5, Ch 9, 2.1 Pod arrangement 2.1.1. The FMEA is to identify components where a single failure could cause loss of all propulsion and/or steering capability and the proposed arrangements for preventing and mitigating the effects of such a failure. The assessment required by Pt 6, Ch 2, 16.2 System design and arrangement 16.2.2 may be considered for demonstrating the acceptability of the proposed design for propulsion power purposes.

2.5.2 The FMEA is to be carried out using the format presented in Table 22.2.1 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Pt 5, Ch 22 Propulsion and Steering Machinery Redundancy or an equivalent format that addresses the same reliability issues. Analyses in accordance with IEC 60812, Analysis techniques for system reliability – Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), or IMO MSC Resolution 36(63) Annex 4 - Procedures for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis – Procedures for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, would be acceptable.

2.5.3 The FMEA is to be organised in terms of equipment and function. The effects of item failures at a stated level and at higher levels are to be analysed to determine the effects on the system as a whole. Actions for mitigation of the effects of failure are to be determined, see Pt 5, Ch 9, 2.5 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) 2.5.1.

2.5.4 The FMEA is to:

  1. identify the equipment or sub-system and mode of operation;

  2. identify potential failure modes and their causes;

  3. evaluate the effects on the system of each failure mode;

  4. identify measures for reducing the risks associated with each failure mode;

  5. identify measures for preventing failure; and

  6. identify trials and testing necessary to prove conclusions.

2.5.5 At sub-system level it is acceptable, for the purpose of these Rules, to consider failure of equipment items and their functions, e.g. failure of a pump to produce flow or pressure head. It is not required that the failure of components within that pump be analysed. In addition, their failure need only be dealt with as a cause of failure of the pump.

2.5.6 Where FMEA is used for consideration of systems that depend on software-based functions for control or coordination, the analysis is to investigate failure of the functions rather than a specific analysis of the software code itself.

2.6 Ice Class requirements

2.6.1 Where an ice class notation is included in the class of a ship, additional requirements as detailed in Pt 8 Rules for Ice and Cold Operations are to be complied with as applicable.

2.7 Condition Monitoring

2.7.1 Where Thruster Condition Monitoring (ThCM) ShipRight descriptive note has been requested, refer to ShipRight Procedure Machinery Planned Maintenance and Condition Monitoring, Section 8.

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