Section 6 Hull construction
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 7 Other Ship Types and Systems - Chapter 2 Ships with Installed Process Plant for Chemicals, Liquified Gases and Related Products - Section 6 Hull construction

Section 6 Hull construction

6.1 General

6.1.1 The hull structure is to comply with the relevant requirements of Pt 3 Ship Structures (General) and Pt 4 Ship Structures (Ship Types), except as stated otherwise in this Section. The containment of liquefied gas products is to comply with Ch 4 Cargo Containment of the Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Ships for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, July 2022.

6.1.2 All chemical product and effluent tank structures and their location relative to the ship's hull are to comply with the Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Ships for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, July 2022, or with the Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Ships for the Carriage of Liquid Chemicals in Bulk, July 2022, as applicable. Where necessary, the probable temperature variations during operations and the thermal stress considerations are to be stated.

6.1.3 Materials for the hull structures subjected to low temperature are to comply with Pt 3, Ch 2, 2.2 Refrigerated spaces relating to refrigerated spaces and adjacent structures, or with Chapter 6 of the Rules for Ships for Liquefied Gases, as applicable.

6.1.4 Subdivision and damage stability are not covered by these Rules. However, attention must be given to any relevant statutory regulations of the National Authority of the country in which the ship is to be registered or in which the plant is to be operated.

6.2 Location of accommodation, service and control spaces

6.2.1 All accommodation and other compartments not directly essential to the operation of the plant are to be arranged well clear of plant spaces, and feedstock and product tanks.

6.2.2 Service and control stations essential to the operation of the plant must be made `gas-safe' in accordance with internationally accepted codes and standards, and should, wherever possible, be so located that access thereto is from a defined safe space. If such location is not possible, the station is to be specially ventilated.

6.3 Integrity of gastightness between compartments

6.3.1 Where integrity of gastightness is required between compartments containing the plant, this is to be maintained in way of pipe tunnels or duct keels where these traverse such compartments.

6.4 Cofferdams

6.4.1 Cofferdams are to be sited as required by the Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Ships for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, July 2022, or by the Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Ships for the Carriage of Liquid Chemicals in Bulk, July 2022, as applicable, segregating any spaces in which raw materials or products are stored or retained in bulk.

6.4.2 Cofferdams are to be arranged around independent tanks containing chemical products or effluents where these are separate from the ship structure, but permanently connected thereto. Such cofferdams are to be mechanically ventilated using portable or permanent systems as required by Chapter 12 of the Rules for Ships for Liquid Chemicals, and are to be of sufficient size to allow effective inspection of all the tank and ship structure in way.

6.5 Access and openings to spaces

6.5.1 Access openings, windows, side scuttles and ventilation openings to accommodation, service and control stations essential for the operation of the ship, and similar safe spaces are to be located and arranged as required by the Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Ships for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, July 2022, or by the Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Ships for the Carriage of Liquid Chemicals in Bulk, July 2022, as applicable.

6.5.2 Arrangements are to be made to provide easy access to, or escape from, plant working spaces. In general, ladders are not to be arranged vertically, and intermediate platforms are to be fitted at vertical intervals of about 6 m. Ladders and platforms are to have guard rails and permanent provision made for attaching hoists for use in emergencies. The arrangements for the emergency hoists are to allow a clear, unobstructed lift to the outside deck.

6.5.3 Two separate means of access from the open deck are generally to be provided to the cofferdams required by Pt 7, Ch 2, 6.4 Cofferdams 6.4.1.

6.6 Longitudinal strength

6.6.1 Longitudinal strength calculations are to be made in accordance with Pt 3, Ch 4 Longitudinal Strength for the following conditions, and the Loading Manual required by Pt 3, Ch 4, 8 Loading guidance information is to include this information:

  1. Sea-going conditions:

    These conditions are to take account of the weights and disposition of all ballast, plant items including any working fluids, other substances, spare gear, etc. and any special support bracing where thermal effects are considered, which will be on board during any sea-going condition of the plant appropriate to the category of ship.

  2. Harbour condition:

    This condition is to take account of the weights and disposition of all ballast and plant items, including all working and other substances (in all intended stowage dispositions) and spare gear which will be on board during operation of the plant in harbour.

6.7 Plant support structure

6.7.1 Decks and other structure supporting the plant are, in general, to comply with the requirements of Pt 3 Ship Structures (General). Such structure can, however, be considered on the basis of an agreed uniformly distributed loading in association with local loads at plant support points, provided that adequate transverse strength of the ship is maintained.

6.7.2 Where the nature and dispositions of heavy plant items are such that forces on the ship and support structure due to ship motions are significant (whether underway with or without working fluids, or moored with working fluids), calculations of the loading and the structural response are to be submitted. In this respect, the guidance formulæ for accelerations as given in the Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Ships for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk, July 2022 can be used where appropriate. Details of the mass distribution and support points of the plant items are to be submitted in all cases.

6.7.3 Where model tests or reliable direct calculation procedures are used to estimate wave-induced responses and which may indicate accelerations and motion amplitudes differing from those arising from the application of the Rules, such values will be taken into account in the approval of support structure.

6.7.4 If the vessel is intended for limited service at sea (e.g. a `once only' voyage from port of build to service location), a reduction in the Rule accelerations and motion amplitudes may be permitted. In order to apply such a reduction, details of the intended service limitation should be submitted.

6.8 Loading due to wave-induced motions

6.8.1 In cases where the mass distribution of large columnar plant items is such that the centre of action of the dynamic force differs significantly from the centre of gravity of the item, due account of this is to be taken in the calculation of the forces and moments at the support positions.

6.9 Additional loads

6.9.1 The structure supporting the plant is also to be capable of withstanding forces arising from the following:

  1. Wind loads (in all conditions of service and all categories of ships).

  2. The angle of static heel arising from the emergency condition referred to in Pt 7, Ch 2, 3.1 General 3.1.3 or Pt 7, Ch 2, 3.1 General 3.1.4, as applicable.

  3. For a Category 1 A ship, a collision force acting on the tank corresponding to one-half of the weight of the item with or without working fluids, as appropriate, to the approved sea-going conditions from forward and one-quarter of the weight of the item from aft.

  4. For all other categories of ship, a collision force from any horizontal direction of one-fifth of the weight of the item.

6.9.2 Wind loading, which is to be applied to the plant items and supporting structure protruding above the weather deck, should be considered to act simultaneously with wave-induced loading. Loadings Pt 7, Ch 2, 6.9 Additional loads 6.9.1.(b), Pt 7, Ch 2, 6.9 Additional loads 6.9.1.(c) and Pt 7, Ch 2, 6.9 Additional loads 6.9.1.(d) need not be combined with wind loads or wave-induced loads.

6.10 Allowable stresses in support structure

6.10.1 The following stress levels are applicable in conjunction with the loading on the support structure:

  1. Support members above or below the weather deck which are not subject to main hull girder loading:

    direct stress:

    σa + σb = 0,6σy

    shear stress:

    τ = 0,6τy or 0,35σy whichever is the smaller

    combined stress:

    = the algebraic sum of the axial and bending stresses at the point under consideration
    σy = specified minimum tensile yield stress or 0,2 per cent proof stress at room temperature
    τy = shear yield stress.
  2. Support members directly connected to hull structure and subject to transference of loading therefrom:

    • the maximum allowable direct, shear and combined stresses as defined in (a), but with member local loading increased by a factor of 1,30, or
    • when the stresses in such structure are determined using methods which satisfactorily take into account any ship deflection and load transference in way of supports, no load factor need be applied.
  3. Primary members forming an integral ship structural and plant support system:

    • in general, the allowable stresses in such a system will be especially considered on the basis of the degree of refinement employed in the load prediction, structural response and stress analysis methods. Structural response calculations should include the interaction effects of the hull and plant item.

6.10.2 In general, all seatings, platform decks, girders and pillars supporting plant items are to be arranged to align with the main hull structure, which is to be suitably reinforced, where necessary, to carry the appropriate loads. Attention should be paid to the capability of the support structure to withstand buckling.

6.11 Integrity of weather deck

6.11.1 The integrity of the weather deck is to be maintained. Where items of plant equipment penetrate the weather deck and are intended to constitute the structural barrier to prevent the ingress of water to spaces below the freeboard deck, their structural strength is to be equivalent to the Rule requirements for this purpose. Otherwise such items are to be enclosed in superstructures or deckhouses fully complying with the Rules. Full details are to be submitted for approval.

6.12 Equipment

6.12.1 Anchors and chain cables for ships navigating at sea are to comply with the requirements of Pt 3, Ch 13, 7 Equipment. Special consideration will be given to the equipment required for ships of Categories 1B and 2.

6.13 Gangways and freeing arrangements

6.13.1 Gangways are to be sufficient to provide proper access to all areas necessary for ship safety while the ship is operational and while it is at sea, and are to be to the Surveyor's satisfaction.

6.13.2 Freeing ports are to be fitted in accordance with the requirements of Pt 3, Ch 8, 5.3 Freeing arrangements.

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