Section 11 Surveys of unclassed machinery in existing classed yachts
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 1 Regulations - Chapter 4 Periodical Survey Regulations for Yachts - Section 11 Surveys of unclassed machinery in existing classed yachts

Section 11 Surveys of unclassed machinery in existing classed yachts

11.1 General

11.1.1 The requirements of this survey are considered necessary in order to establish, so far as practicable, that the unclassed machinery installation does not constitute a hazard to the classed hull. The survey is applicable only to existing sailing yachts fitted with unclassed auxiliary propulsion engines not exceeding 37 KW.

11.1.2 At any time when unclassed machinery in an existing classed yacht is undergoing alteration and/or replacement, the requirements of Pt 1, Ch 2, 4.4 Damages, repairs and alterations 4.4.6 are to be complied with.

11.2 Intermediate and Bottom Surveys

11.3 Complete Surveys

11.3.1 At each Special Survey of the hull the requirements of Pt 1, Ch 4, 11.2 Intermediate and Bottom Surveys 11.2.1 and the following are to be complied with:

  1. The bilge pumping system is to be examined and tested under working conditions.

  2. A general examination is to be made of the fuel tanks and fuel system with their valves, pipes and fittings, and of the engine exhaust system, piping and fittings.

  3. A general examination of the electrical equipment is to be made and, if considered necessary, a test of the insulation resistance is to be carried out in accordance with Pt 1, Ch 4, 9.2 Complete Surveys 9.2.1.

  4. The starting arrangements are to be examined.

  5. The screwshafts and tube shafts are to be withdrawn for examination.

  6. The main and essential auxiliary machinery is to be examined under full working conditions in accordance with Pt 1, Ch 4, 8.1 Complete Surveys 8.1.4.

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