Section 2 Hull girder strength for mono-hull craft
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 6 Hull Construction in Steel - Chapter 6 Hull Girder Strength - Section 2 Hull girder strength for mono-hull craft

Section 2 Hull girder strength for mono-hull craft

2.1 General

2.1.1 Longitudinal strength calculations are to be submitted for all craft with a Rule length, L R, exceeding 50 m covering the range of load and ballast conditions proposed, in order to determine the required hull girder strength. Still water, static wave and dynamic bending moments and shear forces are to be calculated for both departure and arrival conditions.

2.1.2 For craft of ordinary hull form with a Rule length, L R, less than 50 m, the minimum hull girder strength requirements are generally satisfied by scantlings obtained from local strength requirements. However longitudinal strength calculations may be required at LR's discretion, dependent upon the form, constructional arrangement and proposed loading.

2.1.3 Where the Rule length, L R, of the craft exceeds 75 m, or for new designs of large, structurally complicated craft, the design loads and scantling determination formulae in this Chapter are to be supplemented by direct calculation and structural analysis by 3-D finite element methods. These supplementary calculations are to include the results of model tests and full scale measurement where available or required by LR. Full details of such methods and all assumptions and calculations, which are to be based on generally accepted theories, are to be submitted for appraisal.

2.2 Bending strength

2.2.1 The effective geometric properties of the midship section are to be calculated directly from the dimensions of the section using only the effective material elements which contribute to the global longitudinal strength irrespective of the grades of steel incorporated in the construction. For the purposes of this analysis an element may be of deck plating, longitudinal girder, inner bottom, etc. or other continuous member.

2.2.2 The contribution that higher tensile steel makes to the global strength is based upon the strain in that material in relation to the allowable strain in mild steel. Therefore, the maximum permissible hull vertical bending stress, σp, for the design analysis is not to be taken greater than that determined from the following:

σp = is as defined in Pt 6, Ch 6, 2.2 Bending strength 2.2.3
= the maximum distance, in metres, above or below the neutral axis of the hull cross-section to any effective higher tensile steel element contributing to global longitudinal strength.
= the maximum distance, in metres, above or below the neutral axis of the hull cross-section to any effective mild steel element contributing to global longitudinal strength.

2.2.3 The longitudinal strength of craft


≥ 3,0 is to satisfy both the following criteria:

σk + σl + σt < 1,2 σP and

σd < σP

σP = maximum permissible hull vertical bending stress, in N/mm2 and is not to be taken greater than that determined from Pt 6, Ch 6, 2.2 Bending strength 2.2.2
= f σgH σs or the value determined from Pt 6, Ch 6, 2.2 Bending strength 2.2.2, whichever is the lesser
f σgH = limiting hull bending stress coefficient taken from Table 7.3.2 Limiting stress coefficients for global loading in Chapter 7

L WL is as defined in Pt 3, Ch 1, 6.2 Principal particulars 6.2.5

σk, σ, σt and σd are given in Table 6.2.1 Longitudinal component stresses

σs is as defined in Pt 6, Ch 6, 1.2 Symbols and definitions 1.2.1.

Table 6.2.1 Longitudinal component stresses

Component stress type Nominal stress (N/mm2)
Hull girder bending stress at strength deck amidships
Hull girder bending stress at keel amidships
Actual stress in bottom longitudinals amidships due to design pressure load
Actual stress in bottom plating amidships due to design pressure load
Symbols and definitions
M R = design longitudinal midship bending moment, in kNm, given in Pt 5, Ch 5, 2 Hull girder load criteria for mono-hull craft
p s = additional effective pressure loading, in kN/m2, on bottom longitudinals from global dynamic load model, given in Pt 5, Ch 5, 2.6 Dynamic bending moments and associated shear forces 2.6.3
P t = additional effective pressure loading, in kN/m2, on bottom plating from global dynamic load model, given in Pt 5, Ch 5, 2.6 Dynamic bending moments and associated shear forces 2.6.4
Z d = actual section modulus at deck, in m3
Z k = actual section modulus at keel, in m3
Z = actual section modulus of bottom longitudinal stiffener amidships, in cm3

s, e, β and t pare as defined in Pt 6, Ch 6, 1.2 Symbols and definitions.

2.2.4 The longitudinal strength of craft


< 3,0 is to satisfy both the following criteria:

σk < σP

σd < σP

where σp is as defined in Pt 6, Ch 6, 2.2 Bending strength 2.2.3

σk and σd are given in Table 6.2.1 Longitudinal component stresses

L WL is as defined in Pt 3, Ch 1, 6.2 Principal particulars 6.2.5.

2.3 Minimum hull section modulus

2.3.1 For patrol craft in Service Group G6, the hull midship modulus about the transverse neutral axis, at the deck or the keel, is to be not less than:

kL = is the higher tensile steel factor

= is the specified minimum yield stress in N/mm2, as defined in Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.4 Mechanical properties for design 2.4.3
= is the higher tensile steel concentration factor as defined in Pt 6, Ch 2, 2.4 Mechanical properties for design 2.4.3
LR and Cb = are as given in Pt 5, Ch 5, 2.2 Vertical wave bending moments
Cb = to be taken not less than 0,6
Lf = are as given in Pt 5, Ch 5, 2.2 Vertical wave bending moments 2.2.1
BWL = maximum breadth at the design waterline, in metres.

2.4 Shear strength

2.4.1 The shear strength of the craft at any position along its length is to satisfy the following criterion:

Q R = design hull shear force at any section along the Rule length, L R, in kN determined from Pt 5, Ch 5, 5 Design criteria and load combinations
Aτ = shear area of transverse section, in m2, is to be taken as the effective net sectional area of the shell plating and longitudinal bulkheads after deductions for openings. For longitudinal strength members which are inclined to the vertical, the area of the member to be included in the calculation is to be based on the area projected onto the vertical plane, see Figure 6.2.1 Effective shear area
τp = maximum permissible mean shear stress, in N/mm2
= f τgH τs
f τgH = limiting hull shear stress coefficient taken from Table 7.3.2 Limiting stress coefficients for global loading in Chapter 7.

τs is as defined in Pt 6, Ch 6, 1.2 Symbols and definitions 1.2.1.

Figure 6.2.1 Effective shear area

2.5 Torsional strength

2.5.1 Torsional stresses are typically small for monohulls of ordinary form of Rule length, L R, less than 75 m and can generally be ignored.

2.5.2 The calculation of torsional stresses and/or deflections may be required when considering craft with large deck openings, unusual form or proportions. Calculations may in general be required to be carried out using a direct calculation procedure. Such calculations are to be submitted in accordance with Pt 6, Ch 6, 1.5 Direct calculation procedure.

2.6 Superstructures global strength

2.6.1 Where the side walls of superstructures are aligned with the side shell and these side walls are fully plated with scantlings as for side shell, the effect of the superstructure in global strength can be estimated from paragraphs Pt 6, Ch 6, 2.6 Superstructures global strength 2.6.2 to Pt 6, Ch 6, 2.6 Superstructures global strength 2.6.6. In case there are openings in the side walls that would affect the connection of the superstructure deck with the hull, or when the side walls are not in-line with the side shell, the effectiveness of the superstructure in global strength is to be determined by direct calculation.

2.6.2 The effectiveness of the superstructure in absorbing hull girder bending loads is to be established where the first tier of the superstructure extends within 0,4L amidships and where:

1 = length of first tier, in metres
b 1 = breadth of first tier, in metres
h 1 = 'tween deck height of first tier, in metres

2.6.3 For superstructures with one or two tiers extending outboard to the craft's side shell, the effectiveness in absorbing hull girder bending loads in the uppermost effective tier may be assessed by the following factor:

f(λ, N=1) = 1
f(λ, N=2) = 0,90λ3 – 2,17λ2 + 1,73λ + 0,50
N = 1 if 2 < 0,7 1
= 2 if 2 ≥ 0,7 1
λ = or 1, whichever is less
ε = or 5, whichever is less
γ = or 25, whichever is less
w = 1 for N = 1
= for N = 2
L R = as defined in Pt 6, Ch 6, 1.2 Symbols and definitions 1.2.1, in metres
1, b 1, h 1 = as defined in Pt 6, Ch 6, 2.5 Torsional strength 2.5.1, in metres
2 = length of second tier, in metres.

2.6.4 The hull girder compressive bending stress σL, in the uppermost effective tier at side may be derived according to the following formula:

M R = hull girder bending moment at midships due to sagging as determined in Pt 5, Ch 5, 5 Design criteria and load combinations, in kNm
Z 100 = section modulus at uppermost effective tier of hull and effective tiers, assuming tiers to be 100 per cent effective, in m3
ηs = as defined in Pt 6, Ch 6, 2.6 Superstructures global strength 2.6.3

2.6.5 The compressive stress, σL, in the uppermost effective tier at side is to be checked against buckling in accordance with Pt 6, Ch 7, 4 Buckling control.

2.6.6 The uppermost effective tier may need to fulfil the requirements for strength deck when the following applies:

ηs = as defined in Pt 6, Ch 6, 2.6 Superstructures global strength 2.6.3
Z 0 = section modulus of hull only at hull upper deck, in m3
100 = moment of inertia of hull and effective tiers, assuming tiers to be 100 per cent effective, in m4
h = height from hull upper deck to uppermost effective tier, in metres.

2.6.7 The deformation of large openings in side walls of superstructures is to be investigated. They should not exceed the deformation limit of the closing appliances.

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