Section 10 Pillars and pillar bulkheads
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Special Service Craft, July 2022 - Part 8 Hull Construction in Composite - Chapter 3 Scantling Determination for Mono-Hull Craft - Section 10 Pillars and pillar bulkheads

Section 10 Pillars and pillar bulkheads

10.1 General

10.1.1 Pillars are to be arranged to transmit loads from decks and superstructures into the bottom structure. Pillars are to be constructed out of materials of adequate compressive strength and modulus, usually steel or aluminium and these are generally to be of solid, tubular or beam form. A pillar may be a fabricated trunk or partial bulkhead.

10.2 Symbols and definitions

10.2.1 The symbols for use within this Section are as defined in Pt 8, Ch 3, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1, unless otherwise specified in the appropriate sub-Section.

10.3 Determination of spans

10.3.1 The effective span length of pillar, ep, is in general the distance between the head and heel of pillar. Where substantial brackets are fitted, the effective length of pillar, ep, may be reduced by 2/3 of the depth of the brackets at each end.

10.4 Head and heel connection

10.4.1 The structure in way of head and heel connections is to be suitably reinforced. The webs and face reinforcement of such supporting structure are to be locally increased as necessary with due account being taken of both the compression and bending moment in way.

10.4.2 Pillars are to be attached at their heads and heels to plates supported by efficient brackets. Where the attachment is through bolted, suitable inserts or compression tubes are to be incorporated within the deck and hull framing to prevent over-compression and damage to the laminate in way. Alternatively, tapping plates may be incorporated within the face reinforcement of the stiffener. Details of the proposed arrangement are to be indicated on the submitted plans.

10.5 Alignment and arrangement

10.5.1 Pillars are to be fitted on main structural members. They should be fitted below deckhouses, windlasses, winches, capstans and elsewhere where considered necessary.

10.5.2 Wherever possible, deck pillars are to be fitted in the same vertical line as pillars above and below, and effective arrangements are to be made to distribute the load at the heads and heels of all pillars.

10.5.3 Where pillars support eccentric loads, or are subjected to lateral pressures, they are to be suitably strengthened for the additional bending moment imposed upon them.

10.6 Minimum thickness

10.6.1 The minimum wall thickness of steel or aluminium pillars are to be as required by Pt 6, Ch 3 Scantling Determination for Mono-Hull Craft or Pt 7, Ch 3 Scantling Determination for Mono-Hull Craft respectively.

10.6.2 The minimum wall thickness of FRP pillars will be specially considered.

10.7 Pillar scantlings

10.7.1 The scantlings of steel or aluminium pillars, and pillar bulkheads, are to be as required by Pt 6, Ch 3 Scantling Determination for Mono-Hull Craft andPt 7, Ch 3 Scantling Determination for Mono-Hull Craft respectively.

10.7.2 The scantlings of FRP pillars/pillar bulkheads are to be in accordance with Pt 8, Ch 3, 10.10 Composite pillars and pillar bulkhead scantlings.

10.7.3 Where a pillar is of unusual material, the scantlings will be specially considered.

10.8 Pillars in tanks

10.8.1 Pillars are in no circumstances to pass through tanks. Where loads are to be transmitted through the tank, pillars within the tanks are to be carefully aligned with the external pillars.

10.8.2 Pillars within tanks are, in general, to be of solid cross section. Proposals to use hollow section or tubular pillars will be subject to special consideration and the scantlings as determined from the Rules may be required to be increased dependent upon the material to be used, the fluid contained and the arrangement of the pillars. Hollow pillars are to be adequately drained and vented.

10.8.3 Pillars within tanks which may be subjected to tensile stresses due to hydrostatic pressure, are to be designed to provide sufficient connection to withstand the tension load imposed.

10.9 Pillar bulkheads

10.9.1 Where the pillar bulkhead is of steel or aluminium construction the method of attachment to the surrounding structure/framing will be specially considered.

10.9.2 Where a pillar bulkhead supports a concentrated load the structure in way is to be suitably reinforced to distribute the load into the adjacent stiffening.

10.10 Composite pillars and pillar bulkhead scantlings

10.10.1 The load P p, assumed to be carried by a pillar is to be determined from:

P p = design load supported by the pillar, which is to be taken as not less than 5 kN
P c = basic deck girder design pressure as appropriate, plus any other loadings above the pillar, in kN/m2
P a = load, in kN, from pillar or pillars above, assumed zero if there are no pillars over
S gt = spacing, or mean spacing, of girders or transverses, in metres
b gt = distance between centres of two adjacent spans of girders or transverses supported by the pillars, in metres

10.10.2 The load P b, assumed to be carried by a pillar bulkhead is to be determined from:

P pb = design load supported by the stiffener plate combination of the pillar bulkhead, in kN
P c = basic deck girder design pressure, as appropriate, plus any other loadings directly above the pillar, in kN/m2
S bs = spacing, or mean spacing of bulkheads or effective transverses/longitudinal stiffeners, in metres
b pb = distance between centres of two adjacent spans of girders or transverses supported by the pillar bulkhead, in metres, and can be taken as the distance between pillar bulkhead stiffeners where the stiffener at the top of the bulkhead effectively distributes the load evenly into the stiffeners

10.10.3 The slenderness ratio ( ep/r) of a pillar or plate stiffener combination is to be determined from:

r = least radius of gyration of pillar cross section, in cm,
ep = effective length of pillar, in cm

E i, i and A i are as defined in Pt 8, Ch 3, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1.

10.10.4 The compressive loads P p or P pb, from Pt 8, Ch 3, 10.10 Composite pillars and pillar bulkhead scantlings 10.10.1 and Pt 8, Ch 3, 10.10 Composite pillars and pillar bulkhead scantlings 10.10.2 for pillars and pillar bulkheads respectively are not to exceed a function of the critical load P cr, determined from Pt 8, Ch 3, 10.10 Composite pillars and pillar bulkhead scantlings 10.10.5:

where f p is a factor dependent upon location and is as indicated in Table 3.10.1 Pillar location factors.

Table 3.10.1 Pillar location factors

Location f p
Supporting weatherdeck 0,50
Supporting vehicle deck 0,25
Supporting passenger deck 0,50
Supporting lower/inner deck 0,75
Supporting coachroof 0,75
Supporting deckhouse top 1,00

10.10.5 The critical compressive load, P cr, for pillars and plate/stiffener combinations with a slenderness ratio ( e/r) between 75 and 110 may be determined from:

ep = effective span length of pillar or stiffener plate combination, in metres
E ci = compressive modulus of plate laminate, in N/mm2
k = end fixity factor
= 1,5 for full fixed/bracketed
= 0,75 for partially fixed
= 0,5 for free ended

Where the proposed slenderness ratio is below 75 the pillar will be specially considered. Slenderness ratios in excess of 110 are not to be contemplated.

10.10.6 The stiffener/plate combination used to determine the scantlings for pillar bulkheads is to be that of a stiffener with an effective width of attached plating carrying a load as determined from Pt 8, Ch 3, 1.7 Effective width of attached plating.

10.10.7 The scantlings of wooden pillar bulkheads will be specially considered on the basis of the Rules. Such pillar bulkheads are to be of equivalent strength, stiffness and load carrying capability.

10.11 Detail in way of sandwich structure

10.11.1 The attachment of pillars to sandwich structures should, in general, be through an area of single skin laminate, see Pt 8, Ch 2, 4.3 Inserts. Where this is not practicable and the attachment of the pillar has to be by bolting through a sandwich structure then a wood, or other suitable solid insert is to be fitted in the core in way.

10.12 Fire aspects

10.12.1 Pillars are to be suitably protected against fire, where necessary, be self extinguishing or be capable of resisting fire damage. All pillars are to comply with Pt 17 Fire Protection, Detection and Extinction.

10.13 Novel features

10.13.1 Where pillars are of unusual design or constructed from novel material they will be specially considered in accordance with Pt 8, Ch 3, 2.7 Novel features.

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