Section 7 Sternframes and appendages
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 3 Ship Structures (General) - Chapter 6 Aft End Structure - Section 7 Sternframes and appendages

Section 7 Sternframes and appendages

7.1 General

7.1.1 Sternframes, rudder horns, boss end brackets and shaft brackets may be constructed of cast or forged steel, or may be fabricated from plate.

7.1.2 In castings, sudden changes of section or possible constrictions to the flow of metal during casting are to be avoided. All fillets are to have adequate radii, which should, in general, be not less than 50 to 75 mm, depending on the size of the casting.

7.1.3 Cast sternframes, rudder horns, shaft brackets and solepieces are to be manufactured from special grade material. Cast bossings can be manufactured from normal grade material, see Ch 4, 2 Castings for ship and other structural applications of the Rules for Materials.

7.1.4 Sternframes, rudder horns, shaft brackets, etc. are to be effectively integrated into the ship's structure, and their design is to be such as to facilitate this.

7.2 Sternframes

7.2.1 The scantlings of sternframes are to be determined from Table 6.7.1 Sternframes. In the case of very large ships, the scantlings and arrangements may be required to be verified by direct calculations.

Table 6.7.1 Sternframes

Item Parameter Requirement

(1) Propeller posts

see Notes 1 and 2

  Cast steel, see Figure 6.7.5 Propeller posts Forged steel, see Figure 6.7.5 Propeller posts Fabricated mild steel,see Figure 6.7.5 Propeller posts
l 165 mm - 200 mm
r 20 mm - 18 mm
t w

8 mm

(need not exceed 38)

need not exceed 30) 6 mm
t 1

12 mm (min. 19)

- 12 mm
t 2

16 mm (min.25)

- -

115 mm

40 mm 140 mm
A -

(10+0,5L)T cm2 where L ≤ 60 m

40T cm2 where L > 60 m


(2) Propeller boss,

see Note 3 and Figure 6.7.6 Propeller boss

t b (0,1δTS + 56) mm, but need not exceed 0,3δTS
(3) Rudder posts or axles   Single screw with integral solepiece, see Figure 6.7.10 Solepieces(a) Single screw with bolted rudder axle, see Figure 6.7.7 Rudder axle Twin screw, integral with hull, see Figure 6.7.8 Rudder post for twin screw ships
n - 6 (see Note 4) -
r - - 20 mm
r b - δA mm -
t F - δB mm -
t 1 - - 12 mm
t 2 - - 15 mm
t 3 - - 18 mm
w - - 120 mm
z PB1, z PB2 - 1,2δPL2 mm -
Z T 0,147 A R K2 b(V 0+3)2 cm3 - -
δA -

(25T + 76) mm

but need not exceed 0,9δPL2 mm

δb -

6,25T + 19 mm or 0,225δPL2 mm

whichever is the greater

δPL1, δPL2 bearing pressure and pintle clearance -

As for rudder pintles

(see Table 13.2.12 Pintle requirements in Chapter 13)

L, T as defined in Pt 3, Ch 6, 1.4 Symbols and definitions 1.4.1
b = length of the rudder post or axle, in m, as defined in Figure 6.7.10 Solepieces
K 2 = rudder profile coefficient, as given by Table 13.2.2 Rudder profiles in Chapter 13
n = number of bolts in palm coupling
r b = mean distance of bolt centres from centre of palm, in mm
t b = finished thickness of boss, in mm
A = cross-sectional area of forged steel propeller post, in cm2
A R = rudder area, in m2
k R = rudder coefficient, as given by Table 6.7.7 Rudder coefficient kR
V0 = maximum service speed, in knots, with the ship in the loaded condition
Z T = section modulus against transverse bending, in cm3
δb = diameter of coupling bolts, in mm
δTS = diameter of tail shaft, in mm

Note 1. Where scantlings and proportions of the propeller post differ from those shown in Item (1), the section modulus about the longitudinal axis of the proposed section normal to the post is to be equivalent to that with Rule scantlings. t is to be not less than (minimum of 19 mm for cast steel sternframes) or as required by Pt 3, Ch 6, 3.4 Side shell and sheerstrake 3.4.2, whichever is the greater.

Note 2. On sternframes without solepieces, the modulus of the post below the propeller boss, about the longitudinal axis may be gradually reduced to not less than 85% of that required by Note 1, subject to the same thickness limitations.

Note 3. In fabricated sternframes the connection of the propeller post to the boss is to be by full penetration welds.

Note 4. If more than six bolts are fitted, the arrangements are to provide equivalent strength.

7.2.2 Fabricated and cast propeller posts and rudder posts of twin screw ships are to be strengthened at intervals by webs. In way of the upper part of the sternframe arch, these webs are to line up with the floors.

7.2.3 Rudder posts and propeller posts are to be connected to floors of increased thickness, see Pt 3, Ch 6, 6.1 Bottom structure.

Table 6.7.2 Permissible stresses for sole pieces

Mode Permissible stress
(1) Equivalent stress 115/K 0 N/mm2
σe = equivalent stress
= N/mm2
σb = bending stress
= N/mm2
τT = shear stress
= N/mm2
MB = bending moment, in Nm, at the section considered
= B 1 x
B 1 = supporting force, in N, in pintle bearing
= 0,5P L
P L = rudder force, in N, as calculated in Ch 13,2
x = distance, in metres, from centre of rudder stock to section under consideration
A s = sectional area, in mm2, of solepiece

7.3 Sole pieces

Figure 6.7.1 Solepiece

7.3.1 The scantlings of sole pieces are to be not less than those required by Table 6.7.3 Sole pieces scantlings:

Table 6.7.3 Sole pieces scantlings

Item, see Figure 6.7.1 Solepiece Minimum requirements

Section modulus about the vertical (z)-axis, Zz

Section modulus about the transverse (y)-axis, Zy

Section area, As

1. For dredging and reclamation craft classed 'A1 protected waters service', the scantlings of an ‘open’ type solepiece are to be such that:
  1. Zz = 0,625 Zz
  2. The cross-sectional area is not less than 18 cm2
  3. The depth is not less than two-thirds of the width at any point.

Note 2. In fabricated solepieces, transverse webs are to be fitted spaced not more than 760 mm apart. Where the breadth of the solepiece exceeds 900 mm, a centreline vertical web is also to be fitted.

Note 3. Solepieces supporting fixed or movable nozzles will be specially considered, see Pt 3, Ch 13, 3 Fixed and steering nozzles

7.3.2 The solepiece is to be dimensioned such that the stresses do not exceed the permissible stresses given in Table 6.7.4 Permissible stresses for solepieces.

Table 6.7.4 Permissible stresses for solepieces

Mode Permissible stress
(1) Equivalent stress
σe = equivalent stress
σb = bending stress
τT = shear stress
k = as defined in Table 13.2.1 Rudder material factor, k

7.4 Rudder horns

Figure 6.7.2 Rudder horn

7.4.1 Rudder horns are to be effectively integrated into the main hull structure.

7.4.2 The rudder horn side plating should be carried through the ship’s bottom shell plating and aligned with primary members. Brackets or stringers are to be fitted on the inside of the rudder horn to align with the ship’s adjoining bottom shell plating, see Figure 6.7.3 Rudder horn integration.

7.4.3 A number of transverse webs of the rudder horn should be carried through the ship’s bottom shell up to the inner bottom or bottom deck. These rudder horn transverse webs should be fitted in line with strengthened plate floors.

7.4.4 Where practicable the rudder horn should be connected to the ship’s centreline bulkhead.

7.4.5 Scallops in way of the connection between the rudder horn transverse webs and the ship’s adjoining bottom shell plating are to be avoided.

7.4.6 The weld at the connection between the rudder horn plating and the ship’s bottom shell is to be full penetration. The welding radius is to be as large as practicable and may be obtained by grinding.

7.4.7 When the connection between the rudder horn and the hull structure is designed as a curved transition into the hull plating, special consideration is to be given to the effectiveness of the rudder horn plate bending and to the stresses in the transverse web plates.

7.4.8  The ship’s bottom shell plating is to be increased in thickness in way of the rudder horn. Where the horn plating is radiused into the shell plating, the radius at the shell connection is to be not less than:
r = (150 + 0,8L) mm

Figure 6.7.3 Rudder horn integration

7.4.9 The bending moments and shear forces are to be determined by direct calculations.

7.4.10 The scantlings of the rudder horn are to be not less than those required by Table 6.7.5 Rudder horn scantlings:

Table 6.7.5 Rudder horn scantlings

Item, see Figure 6.7.2 Rudder horn Minimum requirement
Section modulus about the horizontal (x)-axis, Zx
Rudder horn plating

Mb = bending moment, in Nm, at the section considered.

k = as defined in Table 13.2.1 Rudder material factor, k

7.4.11 The rudder horn is to be dimensioned such that the stresses do not exceed the permissible stresses given in Table 6.7.6 Permissible stresses for rudder horns.

Table 6.7.6 Permissible stresses for rudder horns

Mode Permissible stress
(1) Shear stress
(2) Equivalent stress
σe = equivalent stress
σb = bending stress
τ = shear stress
B 1 = supporting force in the pintle bearing, in N
A h = effective shear area, of rudder horn in y-direction, in mm2
τT = torsional stress
M T = torsional moment at the section considered, in Nm
A T = area in the horizontal section enclosed by the rudder horn, in mm2
t h = plate thickness of rudder horn, in mm

Table 6.7.7 Rudder coefficient k R

Design criteria k R
Ahead condition Rudder in propeller slipstream 0,248
Rudder out of propeller slipstream 0,235
Astern condition 0,185
Bow rudder  
Barge – non self– propelled  

Table 6.7.8 Recommended propeller/hull clearances

Number of blades Hull clearances for single screw, in metres,see Figure 6.7.12 Propeller clearances Hull clearances for twin screw, in metres, see Figure 6.7.12 Propeller clearances
a b c d e f
3 1,20Kδ 1,80Kδ 0,12δ 0,03δ 1,20Kδ 1,20Kδ
4 1,00Kδ 1,50Kδ 0,12δ 0,03δ 1,00Kδ 1,20Kδ
5 0,85Kδ 1,275Kδ 0,12δ 0,03δ 0,85Kδ 0,85Kδ
6 0,75Kδ 1,125Kδ 0,12δ 0,03δ 0,75Kδ 0,75Kδ
Minimum value 0,10δ 0,15δ t R 3 and 4 blades, 0,20δ
5 and 6 blades, 0,16δ
L as defined in Pt 3, Ch 6, 1.4 Symbols and definitions 1.4.1
C b = moulded block coefficient at load draught
K =
t R = thickness of rudder, in metres, measured at 0,7R p above the shaft centreline
P = designed power on one shaft, in kW (shp)
R P = propeller radius, in metres
δ = propeller diameter, in metres

Note The above recommended minimum clearances also apply to semi-spade type rudders.

7.5 Rudder trunks

7.5.1 The requirements of this sub-section apply to trunk configurations which are extended below the stern frame and arranged in such a way that the trunk is stressed by forces due to rudder action.

7.5.2 Rudder trunks are to be constructed of steel of a weldable quality with a carbon content not exceeding 0,23 per cent on ladle analysis or a carbon equivalent (CEQ) not exceeding 0,41 per cent.

7.5.3 Plating materials for rudder trunks are in general not to be of lower grades than those corresponding to Class II as defined in Table 2.2.2 Steel grades.

7.5.4 The weld at the connection between the rudder trunk and the shell or the bottom of the skeg is to be full penetration.

7.5.5 The fillet shoulder radius, r, of webs connected to the rudder trunk see Figure 6.7.4 Rudder trunk fillet shoulder radii, are to be as large as practicable as follows:
r = 0,1dc r mm
but not less than
  1. 60 mm when N/mm2
  2. 30 mm when N/mm2
dc = rudder stock diameter as defined in Table 13.2.4 Rudder stock diameter
σb = bending stress in the rudder trunk, in N/mm2 see Table 13.2.5 Rudder stock permissible stresses
k = material factor as defined in Table 13.2.1 Rudder material factor, k

The radius may be obtained by grinding. If disk grinding is carried out, score marks are to be avoided in the direction of the weld. The radius is to be checked with a template for accuracy. At least four profiles are to be checked. A report is to be submitted to the Surveyor.

7.5.6 Rudder trunks comprising of materials other than steel will be specially considered.

Figure 6.7.4 Rudder trunk fillet shoulder radii

7.5.7 The scantlings of the trunk are to be as follows:

  1. the equivalent stress due to bending and shear is not exceed 0,35σ,
  2. the bending stress, σb of fabricated rudder trunks is to be less than
σb = bending stress in the rudder trunk, in N/mm2 see Table 13.2.5 Rudder stock permissible stresses
k = as defined in Table 13.2.1 Rudder material factor, k but is not to be taken less than 0,7
σ = minimum specified yield stress, in N/mm2

For calculation of bending stress, σb the span to be considered is the distance between the mid-height of the lower rudder stock bearing and the point where the trunk is clamped into the shell or the bottom of the skeg.

7.6 Shaft bossing

7.6.1 Where the propeller shafting is enclosed in bossings extending back to the bearings supporting the propellers, the aft end of the bossings and the bearings are to be supported by substantially constructed boss end castings or fabrications. These are to be designed to transmit the loading from the shafting efficiently into the ship's internal structure.

7.6.2 The length of the shaft bracket boss, l b, is to be sufficient to support the length of the required bearing. In general, l b is not to be less than 4d t, where d t is the Rule diameter of the screwshaft, in mm, see Pt 5, Ch 6, 3 Design. Proposals for a reduction in the required length of the shaft bracket boss will be considered in conjunction with details of the bearing material, allowable bearing operating pressure and installation arrangements. However, in no case is l b to be less than the greater of:

  1. 2d t; or

  2. that recommended by the bearing manufacturer; or

  3. that required to accommodate the aftermost bearing and to allow the proper connection of the shaft bracket .

7.6.3 Where the shaft and the shaft bracket boss are of the same material, the thickness of the shaft bracket boss is not to be less than d t/4. Where the shaft and the shaft bracket boss are of dissimilar materials, the thickness of the boss, t b, is to be not less than:

t b = 0,75d t (f 1 1/3 – 0,667) mm

Note In no case is t b to be taken as less than 12 mm


d t = Rule diameter of the screwshaft in way of boss, in the appropriate screwshaft material, in mm, see Pt 5, Ch 6, 3 Design:
f 1 = sS/sB but not less than 0,825
sS = ultimate tensile strength of the shaft material, in N/mm2
sB = ultimate tensile strength of the boss material, in N/mm2.

7.6.4 Cast steel supports are to be suitably radiused where they enter the main hull to line up with the boss plating radius. Where the hull sections are narrow, the two arms are generally to be connected to each other within the ship. The arms are to be strengthened at intervals by webs.

7.6.5 Fabricated supports are to be carefully designed to avoid or reduce the effect of hard spots. Continuity of the arms into the ship is to be maintained, and they are to be attached to substantial floor plates or other structure. The connection of the arms to the bearing boss is to be by full penetration welding.

7.6.6 The scantlings of supports will be specially considered. In the case of certain high powered ships, direct calculations may be required.

7.6.7 The boss plating is generally to be radiused into the shell plating and supported at the aft end by diaphragms at every frame. These diaphragms are to be suitably stiffened and connected to floors or a suitable arrangement of main and deep web frames. At the forward end, the main frames may be shaped to fit the bossing, but deep webs are generally to be fitted not more than four frame spaces apart.

7.6.8 The region where the shafting enters the ship, and the bearing in way, are to be adequately supported by floors or deep webs.

Figure 6.7.5 Propeller posts

Figure 6.7.6 Propeller boss

7.7 Shaft brackets

7.7.1 The scantlings of the arms of shaft brackets, generally based on a breadth to thickness ratio of about five, are to be determined in accordance with Pt 3, Ch 6, 7.8 Double arm shaft brackets (‘A’ – brackets) 7.8.2.

7.7.2 Where the propeller shafting is exposed to the sea for some distance clear of the main hull, it is generally to be supported adjacent to the propeller by independent brackets having two arms. In very small ships, the use of single arm brackets will be specially considered.

7.7.3 Fabricated brackets are to be designed to avoid or reduce the effect of hard spots and ensure a satisfactory connection to the hull structure. The connection of the arms to the bearing boss is to be by full penetration welding.

7.7.4 Where bracket arms are carried through the shell plating, they are to be attached to floors or girders of increased thickness. The shell plating is to be increased in thickness and connected to the arms by full penetration welding.

7.7.5 In the case of certain high powered ships, direct calculations may be required and scantlings of shaft brackets will be specially considered.

7.7.6 The region where the shafting enters the ship, and the bearing in way, is to be adequately supported by floors or deep webs.

Figure 6.7.7 Rudder axle

Figure 6.7.8 Rudder post for twin screw ships

7.8 Double arm shaft brackets (‘A’ – brackets)

7.8.1 The angle between the arms for double arm shaft brackets is generally to be not less than 50°. Proposals for the angle between the arms to be less than 50° will be specially considered with supporting calculations to be submitted by the designers.

7.8.2 The arms of double arm shaft brackets are to have a section modulus, Zxx, of not less than that determined from the formula:

Z xx = 0,45n 3 cm3


n = the minimum thickness, in cm, of a hydrofoil section obtained from:
n =
a d = the length of the longer strut, in mm, see Figure 6.7.9 Double arm shaft bracket
d up = the Rule diameter for an unprotected screwshaft, in mm, or by the applicable Ice Class Rules, see Pt 8, Ch 2, 7.8 Screwshafts, obtained from:
P = shaft power, in kW as defined in Pt 5, Ch 1, 3.3 Power ratings
R = revolutions per minute, as defined in Pt 5, Ch 1, 3.3 Power ratings
f =
σu = ultimate tensile strength of arm material, in N/mm2.

Figure 6.7.9 Double arm shaft bracket

7.9 Propeller hull clearances

7.9.1 Recommended minimum clearances between the propeller and the sternframe, rudder or hull are given in Table 6.7.8 Recommended propeller/hull clearances. These are the minimum distances considered desirable in order to expect reasonable levels of propeller excited vibration. Attention is drawn to the importance of the local hull form characteristics, shaft power, water flow characteristics into the propeller disc and cavitation when considering the recommended clearances.

Figure 6.7.10 Solepieces

Figure 6.7.11 Rudder horn

Figure 6.7.12 Propeller clearances

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