Section 8 Spoil space and well structure
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 4 Ship Structures (Ship Types) - Chapter 12 Dredging and Reclamation Craft - Section 8 Spoil space and well structure

Section 8 Spoil space and well structure

8.1 Symbols and definitions

8.1.1 The symbols used in this Section are defined as follows:

ρef = effective specific gravity to be taken, as defined in Table 12.8.1 Effective specific gravity
h = load head, in metres, measured vertically as follows:
  1. For plating, the distance from a point one-third of the height of the plate above its lower edge to the sill of the uppermost overflow weir.

  2. For stiffeners or girders, the distance from the middle of the effective length to the sill of the uppermost overflow weir.

    l e = effective length of stiffening members, in metres, see Pt 3, Ch 3, 3 Structural idealisation
    s = spacing of stiffeners, in mm
    t = plate thickness, in mm
    A 1 = cross-sectional area of flange or stiffener, in cm2, including coaming plating.

Table 12.8.1 Effective specific gravity

Effective specific gravity less than or equal to 1,4 Effective specific gravity greater than 1,4
ρ≤ 1,4 ρ > 1,4
for vertical boundaries for boundaries which have an angle, a with the horizontal plane
ρef = ρ ρef = 1,4 ρef = 1,4 + (ρ – 1,4)(cos α)2

8.1.2 Other symbols are defined in Pt 4, Ch 12, 1.5 Symbols 1.5.1.

8.2 General

8.2.1 This Section provides for:

  1. horizontally and vertically stiffened boundary bulkheads to hoppers, and holds intended for dredged spoil, to ladder wells and to spud wells,

  2. protection against flooding in the event of the ladder well or adjacent bottom plating being damaged by objects dredged up by bucket dredgers, and

  3. continuity of transverse strength in spoil spaces and wing tanks abreast of spoil spaces.

8.2.2 As an alternative to the requirements of this section regarding primary structure, scantlings may be derived on the basis of direct calculation methods, see Pt 4, Ch 12, 18 Direct calculations.

8.2.3  Continuity of strength. Arrangements are to be made to ensure continuity of strength at the ends of longitudinal and well side bulkheads. In general, the design should be such that the bulkheads are connected to bottom and deck girders by means of large, suitably shaped brackets arranged to give a good stress flow at their junctions with both the girders and the bulkheads.

8.2.4  Ladder well cofferdams. Ladder wells cutter suction dredgers and bucket dredgers are to be isolated from the remainder of the dredger's structure by local cofferdams at least 600 mm wide, or are to be otherwise protected to prevent serious flooding due to the well side plating being breached by the ladder structure should this be damaged in service. Ladder wells of bucket dredgers are to be isolated by cofferdams, the extent and widths of which are to be sufficient to contain any damage to the well side bulkheads or bottom shell plating that could result from the impact of large objects brought up in the dredge buckets. In way of the buckets the cofferdam may be extended outboard in the form of a local watertight double bottom.

8.3 Spoil space and well boundaries

8.3.1 The plating thickness of spoil space boundaries is to be not less than the following:

t = 0,0046s f + 3,0 mm, or
t = 8,5 mm, whichever is the greater

In the case of grab dredgers the minimum thickness is to be 10 mm. These thickness requirements also apply to the plating of watertight box keels and inner bottom plating. The value of ρef used in the calculations and the height(s) of the overflow weir(s) are to be clearly shown on the midship section plan.

8.3.2 Attention is drawn to the high rate of wear that can occur on spoil space boundaries, and it is recommended that an additional corrosion allowance of 3,0 mm be added on areas subject to particularly onerous conditions. Where such an allowance is added, the fact is to be marked on the relevant plans.

8.3.3 The thickness of plating forming the sides and ends of bucket ladder wells is to be not less than:

In no case, however, is the side plating to have a thickness less than 12 mm nor is the well end plating to have a thickness less than 8,5 mm. Plating forming the boundaries of suction pipe ladder wells is generally to be as required for shell plating. Corrosion allowance on well end plating below bucket ladders may be 2,0 mm.

8.3.4 The thickness of spoil space and ladder well bulkheads may be required to be increased where high shear forces are present.

8.3.5 Bulkheads forming the boundaries of spud wells are to be of increased strength. Each case will be considered on its merits, but in general such bulkheads should have a thickness of not less than 12 mm.

8.3.6 Where non-watertight bulkheads are fitted in the side buoyancy tanks, the thickness of the plating is to be not less than:

  1. t = 6,5 mm, or
  2. t = (5,35 + 0,024L) mm,

whichever is the greater. Where the bulkhead is in the form of a wash bulkhead, the openings should be so arranged that, in general, the distance from lightening holes to any slots cut to accommodate side shell or bulkhead longitudinals is at least equal to 1,5 times the depth of the slot. The edges of large openings are to be stiffened.

8.3.7 The section modulus of framing on spoil space boundaries is to be not less than:

c = as defined in Pt 4, Ch 12, 8.3 Spoil space and well boundaries 8.3.7 for longitudinal framing
= 1,0 for transverse framing
γ = 1,4 for rolled or built sections
= 1,6 for flat bars.
ρ ef = effective specific gravity, see Pt 4, Ch 12, 8.1 Symbols and definitions 8.1.1
k = higher tensile steel factor, see Pt 3, Ch 2, 1 Materials of construction

The section modulus of longitudinals below is to be taken not less than the value obtained at .

Table 12.8.2 Definition of c for longitudinal framing

Symbols Location c, see Note 2
F B as defined inPt 3, Ch 4, 5.1 Symbols and above 1,0
  0,2D above base (see Note 1)
  Base line (see Note 1)

Note 1. For ships with hogging still water bending moments in loaded conditions and for split hull vessels, c = 1,0.

Note 2. Intermediate values are to be calculated by linear interpolation.

8.3.8 The section modulus of stiffeners bounding wells and deep tanks is to satisfy the requirements of Pt 4, Ch 1, 9.2 Watertight and deep tank bulkheads.

8.3.9 For non-watertight bulkheads, the modulus of the stiffeners may be 50 per cent of that required for intact bulkheads. The stiffeners are to be bracketed at top and bottom.

8.3.10 Structure supporting spud well plating and bulkheads below, and in way of, `A' frames and dredging machinery supports, is to be of substantial construction, account being taken of the dynamic loads likely to occur with the dredging machinery in operation.

8.3.11 Horizontal girders supporting stiffeners on spoil space and ladder well boundaries are, in general, to have scantlings as required by Pt 4, Ch 1, 9.2 Watertight and deep tank bulkheads for deep tanks, with ρ and h as defined in Pt 4, Ch 12, 1.5 Symbols 1.5.1 and Pt 4, Ch 12, 8.1 Symbols and definitions 8.1.1 respectively and with span, l e for horizontal girders supporting vertical stiffeners on longitudinal bulkheads, measured between bulkhead bracket and bulkhead bracket, i.e. ignoring any struts which may be fitted between spoil space girder and shell stringer. Alternatively, the section modulus of these horizontal girders may be reduced by 40 per cent from the formula value if struts are fitted on alternate frames between the spoil space girder and a shell stringer. These struts should generally be horizontal and are to have a sectional area as required for pillars by Pt 4, Ch 1, 4.4 Deck supporting structure with ρ as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1 and h measured from the inboard end of the strut to the height defined in Pt 4, Ch 12, 8.1 Symbols and definitions 8.1.1. Web frames and girders are to have scantlings as required by Pt 4, Ch 1 General Cargo Ships, with ρ and h as defined in Pt 4, Ch 12, 1.5 Symbols 1.5.1 and Pt 4, Ch 12, 8.1 Symbols and definitions 8.1.1 respectively.

8.4 Cross members

8.4.1 Cross-members are to be fitted within the hopper space in line with the bottom and side shell transverses and with the bulkheads in the side buoyancy spaces. Where the spacing between the cross-members exceeds 4 m, the scantlings of all primary members contributing to the continuity of the transverse strength in the spoil space are to be verified by direct calculations, see also Pt 3, Ch 1, 2.2 Submission of direct calculations. Where a box keel is fitted on the centreline, webs are to be fitted within the box keel to ensure proper continuity of strength across the ship in way of the hopper cross-member. The webs required within centreline watertight box keels may have a thickness 3,5 mm less than that required for the hopper cross-members with which they are associated, but their minimum thickness is to be not less than 6,5 mm.

8.4.2 The upper edge of the hopper lower cross-members should, in general, be a height of not less than above the keel in ships with the number 100 in their character of classification. The lower edge should be as low as practicable after allowing for the proper design of hopper doors, suction passages, etc. Lower cross-members may be fabricated from flat plate suitably stiffened or may take the form of a hollow box, generally of triangular cross-section.

8.4.3 The scantlings of box-type cross-members should be determined from the requirements for hopper bulkheads where applicable. When flat plate lower cross-members are fitted, the thickness of the web is to be not less than:

t = (0,7B + 3) mm or 8,5 mm

whichever is the greater.

8.4.4 The cross-sectional area of the cross-member web after deducting access openings, lightening holes, etc. is to be not less than:

A = 6h w S M cm2
h w = height, in metres, of the uppermost hopper overflow weir above the keel
S M = spacing of the cross-member webs, in metres.

8.4.5 The upper edge of the cross-member is to be stiffened by means of a tube having an outside diameter not less than:

δ = 30l s mm
l s = span, in metres, of the upper edge of the cross-member (to the centreline box girder if fitted), and a thickness equal to the minimum required cross-tie web thickness, or by an equivalent flange or structure. The lower edge of the cross-member is also to be suitably stiffened.

8.4.6 The cross-member web is to be fitted with stiffeners, spaced not more than 80t mm apart having a modulus of not less than:

Z = 0,04s l e 2 cm3.

8.4.7 The transverse strength of primary structural members, such as upper and lower cross members and wing tank bulkheads, forming transverse ring systems are to be verified by direct calculations, e.g. finite element calculations on the basis of loads arising from hydrostatic, wave, spoil pressure and loadings on closing appliances of bottom openings. The stresses are in general not to exceed the following values:

  Bending + axial stress (σ b) 130/k N/mm2
  Shear stress (T) 70/k N/mm2
  Combined stress 180/k N/mm2
= where
k = higher tensile steel factor, see Pt 3, Ch 2, 1 Materials of construction.

8.5 Pillars within hoppers

8.5.1 Pillars are generally to comply with the requirements of Pt 4, Ch 1, 4.4 Deck supporting structure, account being taken of the maximum forces that can be applied by rams or other gear fitted for the purpose of activating hopper doors or valves.

8.6 Continuous coamings

8.6.1 Continuous coamings are to have a plate thickness of not less than 8,5 mm. A minimum thickness of 10 mm is recommended for coamings on grab dredgers. Where the depth of the coaming exceeds 80t, the plating is to be stiffened by one or more horizontal members so spaced that the width of the upper panel of plating does not exceed 65t and the width(s) of the lower panel(s) do(es) not exceed 80t.

8.6.2 Where the coaming is stiffened with flat bar members, the members are to have a breadth not less than 0,04S s and a thickness not less than 0,05 times their breadth, or 8,5 mm, whichever is the greater. They are to have a minimum inertia of:

I = 2S s 2 A 1 cm4
= A 1 and I include the coaming plating for mid-panel above to mid-panel below the stiffener, and
S s = spacing of the brackets required by this sub-Section, in metres.
= Where stiffeners other than flat bars are used, they are to have at least the same minimum thickness and inertia as required for flat bars.

8.6.3 The upper edge of the coaming is to be stiffened by a fabricated flange, box girder or equivalent structure having a width not less than 0,05S s and an inertia not less than:

I = 2,86S s 2 A 1 cm4
= A 1 and I include the coaming plating down to mid-panel below
= The thickness and/or attachments of the stiffening member are to be such as to minimise any likelihood of local instability under compression loading.

8.6.4 The coamings are to be supported by substantial brackets spaced generally not more than 3,0 m apart where the coamings have a height of more than 600 mm, nor more than 2,5 m where the coamings have a height of more than 1,0 m but on longitudinally framed ships the brackets are to be arranged in way of each deck transverse. Additional brackets may be required in way of the ends of hopper upper cross-ties, especially those which themselves support hopper door operating rams or similar equipment.

8.6.5 The ends of continuous coamings are to be well scarfed into the ship's structure at the ends of spoil spaces. Unless longitudinal deckhouse bulkheads are fitted in this area, the coamings are to be extended beyond the end of the spoil space opening for a distance of at least one frame space, or 1,5 times the coaming height, whichever is the greater.

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