Section 4 Deck structure
Clasification Society 2024 - Version 9.40
Clasifications Register Rules and Regulations - Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, July 2022 - Part 4 Ship Structures (Ship Types) - Chapter 1 General Cargo Ships - Section 4 Deck structure

Section 4 Deck structure

4.1 General

4.1.1 Longitudinal framing is, in general, to be adopted at the strength deck outside line of openings, but special consideration will be given to proposals for transverse framing. Requirements are given in this Section for longitudinal and transverse framing systems of all deck structure, except decks in way of erections. For erection decks, see Pt 3, Ch 8 Superstructures, Deckhouses and Bulwarks.

4.2 Deck plating

4.2.1 The thickness of strength/weather deck plating in the midship region is to comply with the requirements of Table 1.4.1 Strength/weather deck plating. Outside the line of openings the thickness is also to be that necessary to give the hull section modulus required by Pt 3, Ch 4, 5 Hull bending strength.

4.2.2 The thickness of lower deck plating in the midship region is to comply with the requirements of Table 1.4.2 Lower deck plating.

4.2.3 The thickness of the strength deck stringer plate is to be increased by 20 per cent at the ends of bridges, poop and forecastle.

4.2.4 The deck plating thickness and supporting structure are to be suitably reinforced in way of cranes, masts, derrick posts and deck machinery.

4.2.5 Where long, wide hatchways are arranged on lower decks, it may be necessary to increase the deck plating thickness to ensure effective support for side framing.

4.3 Deck stiffening

4.3.1 The scantlings of strength/weather deck longitudinals in the midship region are to comply with the requirements of Table 1.4.3 Strength/weather deck longitudinals.

4.3.2 The lateral and torsional stability of longitudinals together with web and flange buckling criteria are to be verified in accordance with Pt 3, Ch 4, 7 Hull buckling strength.

4.3.3 The scantlings of cargo and accommodation deck longitudinals are to comply with the requirements of Table 1.4.4 Cargo and accommodation deck longitudinals.

4.3.4 End connection of longitudinals to bulkheads are to provide adequate fixity and, so far as is practicable, direct continuity of longitudinal strength. Where L exceeds 215 m, the deck longitudinals are to be continuous through transverse structure, including bulkheads, but alternative arrangements will be considered. Higher tensile steel deck longitudinals are to be continuous irrespective of the ship length.

4.3.5 The scantlings of strength/weather, cargo and accommodation deck transverse beams are to comply with the requirements of Table 1.4.5 Strength/weather, cargo and accommodation deck beams.

4.3.6 The end connections of beams are to be in accordance with the requirements of Pt 3, Ch 10, 3 Secondary member end connections.

Table 1.4.1 Strength/weather deck plating

Location Minimum thickness, in mm
Longitudinal framing Transverse framing
(1) Outside line of openings (see Notes 1 and 2) The greater of the following: The greater of the following:
(a) t = 0,001s 1(0,059L 1 + 7) (a) t = 0,001s 1 f 1 (0,083L 1 + 10)
(b) t = 0,00083s 1 + 2,5 (b) t = 0,001s 1 + 2,5
(2) Inside line of openings (see Note 2) (b) t = 0,00083s 1 + 2,5

but not less than 6,5

t = 0,00083s 1 + 1,5

but not less than 6,5

(3) In way of the crown of a tank
or as (1) or (2), whichever is the greater,

but not less than 7,5 mm where L ≥ 90m,

or 6,5 mm where L < 90 m
L, k L,k , ρ, s, S as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1
f = but not to be taken greater than 1,0
f 1 =
h 4 = tank head, in metres, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
s 1 = s but is not to be taken less than the smaller of 470 + mm or 700 mm
F D = as defined in Pt 3, Ch 4, 5.7 Local reduction factors
L 1 = L but need not be taken greater than 190 m.

Note 1. The thickness derived in accordance with (1) is also to satisfy the buckling requirements of Pt 3, Ch 4, 7 Hull buckling strength.

Note 2. The deck thickness is to be not less than the basic deck end thickness for taper as given in Pt 3, Ch 3 Structural Design, Table 3.2.1 Taper requirements for hull envelope

Table 1.4.2 Lower deck plating

Location Minimum thickness, in mm
Second deck Third or platform decks
(1) Outside line of openings t = 0,012s 1 but not less than 6,5 t = 0,01s 1 but not less than 6,5
(2) Inside line of openings t = 0,01s 1

but not less than 6,5

(3) In way of the crown or bottom of a tank
but not less than 7,5 where L ≥ 90 m, or
6,5 where L < 90 m
(4) Plating forming the upper flange of underdeck girders Clear of deck openings, t =
In way of deck openings, t = 1,1
Minimum breadth, b = 760 mm
s, S, k, ρ, as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1
b = breadth of increased plating, in mm
f = 1,1 – but not to be taken greater than 1,0
h4 = tank head, in metres, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
s 1 = s but is not to be taken less than the smaller of 470 + mm or 700 mm
A f = girder face area, in cm2
K 1 = 2,5 mm at bottom of tank
= 3,5 mm at crown of tank
Note Where a deck loading exceeds 43,2 kN/m2 (4,4 tonne-f/m2), the thickness of plating will be specially considered.

Table 1.4.3 Strength/weather deck longitudinals

Location Modulus, in cm3 Inertia, in cm4
(1) In way of dry cargo spaces, see Note 1    
(a) Outside line of openings Z = 0,043 s k h T1 e 2 F 1
(b) Inside line of openings Z = s k(400h 1 + 0,005 ( e L 2)2) × 10–4
(2) In way of the crown or bottom of a tank
or as (1)(a) or (1)(b) above, whichever is the greater
(3) In way of superstructure To be specially considered
L, s, kL, k, ρ as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1
b = 1,4 for rolled or built sections

= 1,6 for flat bars

dw= depth of longitudinal, in mm
F1 = 0,25c 1
h1 = weather head, in metres, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
h4 = tank head, in metres, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
le = as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1, but not to be taken less than 1,5 m
F D = as defined in Pt 3, Ch 4, 5.7 Local reduction factors
hT1 = for Type `B-60' ships

= the greater of or 1,20 m for Type `B' ships

L1 = L but need not be taken greater than 190 m
L2 = L but need not be taken greater than 215 m

Note 1. Where weather decks are intended to carry deck cargo and the load is in excess of 8,5 kN/m2 (0,865 tonne-f/m2), the scantlings of longitudinals may be required to be increased to comply with the requirements for location (1) Table 1.4.4 Cargo and accommodation deck longitudinals using the equivalent design head, for specified cargo loading, for weather decks given in Table 3.5.1 Design heads and permissible cargo loadings in Pt 3, Ch 3 Structural Design .

Note 2. The buckling requirements of Pt 3, Ch 4, 7 Hull buckling strength are to be complied with. The ratio of the web depth d w to web thickness t is to comply with the following requirements:

(a) Built up profiles and rolled angles:

(b) Flat bars:

when continuous at bulkheads
when non-continuous at bulkheads

Note 3. The web depth of longitudinals, dw is to be not less than 60 mm.

Table 1.4.4 Cargo and accommodation deck longitudinals

Location Modulus, in cm3 Inertia, in cm4
(1) Cargo decks    
(a) L ≥ 90 m Z = sk(5,9L 1 + 25h 2 e 2) × 10–4
(b) L < 90 m Z = 0,005s k h 2 e 2
(2) Accommodation decks    
(a) L ≥ 90 m Z = sk(5,1L 1 + 25h 3 l e 2) × 10–4
(b) L < 90 m Z = 0,00425s k h 3 l e 2
See Note 1
(3) In way of the crown or bottom of a tank As in (1) or (2) as applicable, or

whichever is the greater
L, s, k, ρ as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1
dw = web depth of longitudinal, in mm, see Note 2
h2 = cargo head, in metres, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
h3 = accommodation head, in metres, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
h4 = tank head, in metres, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
le = as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1, but not to be taken less than 1,5 m
L1 = L but need not be taken greater than 190 m
γ = 1,4 for rolled or built sections

= 1,6 for flat bars

Note 1. The section modulus of accommodation deck longitudinals need not be taken greater than the value required by location (1)(a), in Table 1.4.3 Strength/weather deck longitudinals.

Note 2. The web depth of longitudinals, d w, to be not less than 60 mm.

Table 1.4.5 Strength/weather, cargo and accommodation deck beams

Location Modulus, in cm3 Inertia, in cm4
(1) Strength/weather decks The lesser of the following:
(a) Z = (K 1 K 2 TD + K 3 B 1 s h 1 e 2) k × 10–4

(b) Z = 2K 3 B 1 s k h 1 e 2 × 10–4
(2) Cargo decks Z = (400K 1 TD + 38,8s h 2 e 2) k × 10–4
(3) Accommodation decks Z = (530K 1 TD + 38,8s h 3 e 2) k × 10–4

(4) In way of the crown or bottom of a tank

As (1), (2) or (3) as applicable, or
whichever is the greater
B, D, T, s, k, ρ as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1
dw = depth of beam, in mm
h1 = weather deck head in metres, see Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
h2 = cargo head in metres, see Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
h3 = accommodation head in metres, see Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
h4 = tank head in metres, see Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
l e as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1, but to be taken as not less than 1,83 m
B 1 = B, but need not be taken greater than 21,5 m
K1 = a factor dependent on the number of decks (including poop and bridge superstructures) at the position of the beam under consideration:
= 1 deck 20,0
= 2 decks 13,3
= 3 decks 10,5
= 4 or more 9,3
K2 = a factor dependent on the location of the beam:
= at short bridge and poops 133
= elsewhere 530
K3 = a factor dependent on the location of the beam:
= elsewhere 3,3
= span adjacent to the ship side 3,6
γ = 1,4 for rolled or built sections
= 1,6 for flat bars

Note 1. Where weather decks are intended to carry deck cargo and the load is in excess of 8,5 kN/m2, the scantlings of beams may be required to be increased to comply with the requirements for location (2) using the equivalent design head, for specified cargo loading, for weather decks given in Table 3.5.1 Design heads and permissible cargo loadings.

Note 2. The web depth of beams, d w, is to be not less than 60 mm.

4.4 Deck supporting structure

4.4.1  Girders and transverses supporting deck longitudinals and beams, also hatch side girders and hatch end beams, are to comply with the requirements of Table 1.4.6 Deck girders, transverses and hatch beams. In general, transverses, webs or frames of increased scantlings, see Table 1.6.3 Shell framing (transverse), are to be arranged in way of hatch end beams and deck transverses, and these are to be in line with the double bottom floors where practicable. Equivalent transverse ring scantling arrangements will be considered.

4.4.2  Transverses supporting deck longitudinals are, in general, to be spaced not more than 3,8 m apart where the length, L, is 100 m or less, and (0,006L + 3,2) m apart where L is greater than 100 m.

4.4.3 The web thickness, stiffening arrangements and end connection of primary supporting members are to be in accordance with Pt 3, Ch 10, 4 Construction details for primary members.

4.4.4 Where a girder is subject to concentrated loads, such as pillars out of line, the scantlings are to be suitably increased. Also, where concentrations of loading on one side of the girder may occur, the girder is to be adequately stiffened against torsion. Reinforcements may be required in way of localised areas of high stress.

4.4.5  Pillars are to comply with the requirements of Table 1.4.7 Pillars.

4.4.6 Pillars are to be fitted in the same vertical line wherever possible, and effective arrangements are to be made to distribute the load at the heads and heels of all pillars. Where pillars support eccentric loads, they are to be strengthened for the additional bending moment imposed upon them.

4.4.7 Tubular and hollow square pillars are to be attached at their heads to plates supported by efficient brackets, in order to transmit the load effectively. Doubling or insert plates are to be fitted to the inner bottom under the heels of tubular or hollow square pillars, and to decks under large pillars. The pillars are to have a bearing fit and are to be attached to the head and heel plates by continuous welding. At the heads and heels of pillars built of rolled sections, the load is to be well distributed by means of longitudinal and transverse brackets.

4.4.8 In double bottoms under widely spaced pillars, the connections of the floors to the girders, and of the floors and girders to the inner bottom, are to be suitably increased. Where pillars are not directly above the intersection of plate floors and girders, partial floors and intercostals are to be fitted as necessary to support the pillars. Manholes are not to be cut in the floors and girders below the heels of pillars. Where longitudinal framing is adopted in the double bottom, equivalent stiffening under the heels of pillars is to be provided, and where the heels of pillars are carried on a tunnel, suitable arrangements are to be made to support the load.

4.4.9 Where pillars are fitted inside tanks or under watertight flats, the tensile stress in the pillar and its end connections is not to exceed 108 N/mm2 at the test heads. In general, such pillars should be of built sections, and end brackets may be required.

4.4.10  Pillars are to be fitted below deckhouses, windlasses, winches, capstans and elsewhere where considered necessary.

4.4.11  Non-watertight pillar bulkheads are to comply with the requirements of Table 1.4.8 Non-watertight pillar bulkheads.

4.4.12  Cantilevers and their supporting frames are to comply with the requirements of Table 1.4.9 Cantilever beams .

4.5 Deck openings

4.5.1 The corners of main cargo hatchways in the strength deck within 0,5L amidships are to be elliptical, parabolic or rounded, with a radius generally not less than of the breadth of the opening. Rounded corners are to have a minimum radius of 300 mm if the deck plating extends inside the coaming, or 150 mm if the coamings are welded to the inner edge of the plating in the form of a spigot. Where elliptical corners are arranged, the major axis is to be fore and aft, the ratio of the major to minor axis is to be not less than 2 to 1 nor greater than 2,5 to 1, and the minimum half-length of the major axis is to be defined by l 1 in Figure 1.4.5 Elliptical and parabolic corners. Where parabolic corners are arranged, the dimensions are also to be as shown in Figure 1.4.5 Elliptical and parabolic corners.

4.5.2 Where the corners of large openings in the strength deck are parabolic or elliptical, insert plates are not required. For other shapes of corner, insert plates of the size and extent shown in Figure 1.4.6 Insert plates for large openings will, in general, be required. The required thickness of the insert plate is to be not less than 25 per cent greater than the adjacent deck thickness, outside line of openings with a minimum increase of 4 mm. The increase need not exceed 7 mm.

4.5.3 Welded attachments close to or on the free edge of the hatch corner plating are to be avoided (e.g. welded protection strips or shedder plates) and the butt welds of corner insert plates to the adjacent deck plating are to be located well clear of butts in the hatch coaming.

4.5.4 Openings in the strength deck outside the line of hatch openings are to be kept to the minimum number consistent with operational requirements. Openings are to be arranged clear of hatch corners and, so far as possible, clear of one another. Where, within 0,4L amidships, deck openings have a total breadth or shadow area breadth, in one transverse section that exceeds the limitation given in Pt 3, Ch 3, 3.4 Calculation of hull section modulus 3.4.6 and Pt 3, Ch 3, 3.4 Calculation of hull section modulus 3.4.7, compensation will be required to restore the excess. This is generally to be arranged by increasing the deck plate thickness, but other proposals will be considered. Plate panels in which openings are cut are to be adequately stiffened, where necessary, against compression and shear buckling. The corners of all openings are to be well rounded and the edges smooth.

Table 1.4.6 Deck girders, transverses and hatch beams

Location and arrangements Modulus, in cm3 Inertia, in cm4

(1) Girders and transverses in way of dry cargo spaces and clear of hatch openings:

See also Note  

(a) supporting up to three point loads

Z to be determined from calculations using Note and stress N/mm2 and assuming fixed ends.

(b) supporting four or more point loads or a uniformly distributed load

Z = 4,75k S Hg e 2  

(2) Hatch side girders in way of dry cargo spaces at weather decks (with deep coamings):


(a) supporting up to three point loads

Z to be determined from calculations using Note and stress N/mm2 and assuming fixed ends

(b) supporting four or more point loads or a uniformly distributed load

Z = 5,85kS1Hgle 2  

(3) Hatch side girders in way of dry cargo spaces at lower decks (without deep coamings):


(a) supporting up to three point loads

Z to be determined from calculations using stress N/mm2

(b) supporting four or more point loads or a uniformly distributed load

Z = 5,20kS1Hgle 2  

(4) Hatch end beams in way of dry cargo spaces and supported at centreline, see Figure 1.4.1 Hatch end beam arrangements:


(a) In association with longitudinal framing when there is no transverse between the hatch end beam and adjacent transverse bulkhead or equivalent supporting structure

Z = 19k K 1 H g l e S 1 l 1 + 2,37k S e H g l e 2  

(b) In association with longitudinal framing where there is one or more transverse between the hatch end beam and adjacent transverse bulkhead or equivalent supporting structure

Z = 19k K 1 H g l e(S 1 l 1 + S 2 l 2)

(c) In association with transverse framing when the hatch end beam supports the hatch side girder and in line girder only

Z = 19k K 1 H g l e(S 1 l 1 + S 3 l 3)  

(d) In association with transverse framing when the hatch end beam supports the hatch side girder, an in line girder and an additional girder between the hatch side and the centreline

Z = 19k H g l e(K 1(S 1 l 1 + S 4 l 4) + K 2 S 5 l 5)  

(5) Girders and transverses in way of the crown or bottom of a tank

Z = 11,7ρ k h 4 S l e 2
S, e, k, ρ as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1 K 1, K 2 = factors, dependent on the girder arrangments, as follows:
h 4 = tank head, in metres, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading or K 1 or K 2

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , in metres, as indicated in Figure 1.4.1 Hatch end beam arrangements

Bh = breadth of hatchway, in metres, as used to determine K 1

H g = weather head h 1, or cargo head h 2, or accommodation head h 3, in metres, as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading, whichever is applicable

  • 0,2
  • 0,3
  • 0,4
  • 0,5
  • 0,6
  • 0,7
  • 0,8
  • 0,9
  • 1,0
  • 0,143
  • 0,177
  • 0,191
  • 0,187
  • 0,179
  • 0,169
  • 0,141
  • 0,085
  • 0,000
  S e, S 1, S 2, S 3, S 4, S 5, in metres as indicated in Figure 1.4.1 Hatch end beam arrangements

X = distance, in metres, from centreline of ship to an additional girder, if fitted, as shown in Figure 1.4.1 Hatch end beam arrangements, as used to determine K 2

Note In single deck ships the section modulus of deck transverses is to be increased by 15 per cent.

Table 1.4.7 Pillars

Symbols Parameter Requirement
b = breadth of side of a hollow rectangular pillar or breadth of flange or web of a built or rolled section, in mm

dp = mean diameter of tubular pillars, in mm

(1) Cross-sectional area of all types of pillar

See Note
k = local scantling higher tensile steel factor, see Pt 3, Ch 2, 1.2 Steel 1.2.3, but not less than 0,72

= overall length of pillar, in metres

= effective length of pillar, in metres, and is taken as:
for hold pillars 0,65
for 'tween deck pillars 0,80

p = distance, in metres, between centres of two adjacent spans of girders or transverses supported by the pillar.

(2) Minimum wall thickness of tubular pillars

The greater of the following:



but not to be less than

(c) t = 5,5 mm where L < 90 m, or

= 7,5 mm where L ≥ 90 m

r = least radius of gyration of pillar cross-section, in mm, and may be taken as:
Ap = cross-sectional area of pillar, in cm2

C, S as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1

H g as defined in Table 1.4.6 Deck girders, transverses and hatch beams

= least moment of inertia of cross-section, in cm4

(3) Minimum wall thickness of hollow rectangular pillars or web plate thickness of or channel sections

The lesser of (b) and (c) and not to be less than (a):




but to be not less than

t = 5,5 mm where L < 90 m, or

= 7,5 mm where L ≥ 90 m

P = load, in kN, supported by the pillar and is to be taken as
but not less than 19,62 kN

(4) Minimum thickness of flanges of angle or channel sections

The lesser of the following:



Pa = load, in kN, from pillar or pillars above (zero if no pillars over)

(5) Minimum thickness of flanges of built or rolled sections

The lesser of the following:



Note As a first approximation A p may be taken as and the radius of gyration estimated for a suitable section having this area.

Note If the area calculated using this radius of gyration differs by more than 10 per cent from the first approximation, a further calculation using the radius of gyration corresponding to the mean area of the first and second approximation is to be made.

4.5.5 Openings in the strength deck outside the line of hatch openings having a stress concentration factor in excess of 2,4 will require edge reinforcements in the form of a spigot of adequate dimensions, but alternative arrangements will be considered. The area of any edge reinforcement which may be required is not to be taken into account in determining the required sectional area of compensation for the opening. Alternatively, the shape of the opening is to be such that a stress concentration factor of 2,4 is not exceeded. In this respect, reinforcement will not in general, be required in way of:

  1. elliptical openings having their major axis fore and aft and a ratio of length to breadth not less than 2 to 1, or

  2. openings of other shapes provided that it has been shown by suitable tests that the stress concentration factor does not exceed 2,4.

Table 1.4.8 Non-watertight pillar bulkheads

Parameter Requirement
Ships with L < 90 m Ships with L ≥ 90 m
(1) Minimum thickness of bulkhead plating 5,5 mm in holds and 'tween decks 7,5 mm in holds
6,5 mm in 'tween decks
(2) Maximum stiffener spacing 1500 mm 1500 mm
(3) Minimum depth of stiffeners or corrugations 100 mm in holds 150 mm in holds
75 mm in 'tween decks 100 mm in 'tween decks
(4) Cross-sectional area (including plating) for rolled, built or swedged stiffeners supporting beams, longitudinals, girders or transverses (a) Where

(b) Where

(c) Where

A = A 1

A = A 2

A is obtained by interpolation between A 1 and A 2

(5) Cross-sectional area (including plating) for symmetrical corrugation (a) Where

(b) Where
A = A 1

A = A 2

d w, t p, b, c as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 3 Structural idealisation
r = radius of gyration, in mm, of stiffener and attached plating
= mm for rolled, built or swedged stiffeners
= mm for symmetrical corrugation
= moment of inertia, in cm4, of stiffener and attached plating
s = spacing of stiffeners, in mm
A = cross-sectional area, in cm2, of stiffener and attached plating
A1 =
As a first approximation A 1 may be taken as
A2 =
As a first approximation A 2 may be taken as
P, l e as defined in Table 1.4.7 Pillars

4.5.6 Lower deck openings should be kept clear of main hatch corners and the areas of high stress, so far as possible. Compensation will not, in general, be required unless the total width of openings in any frame space, or between any two transverses, exceeds 15k per cent of the original effective plating width. The requirements of Pt 4, Ch 1, 4.5 Deck openings 4.5.4 also apply to lower deck openings except that:

  1. the thickness of inserts, if required, for the second deck hatch corners is to be 2,5 mm greater than the deck thickness,

  2. inserts will not generally be required for hatch corners on third decks, platform decks and below, and

  3. reinforcement will not generally be required for circular openings, provided that the plate panels in which they are situated are otherwise adequately stiffened against compression and shear buckling.

4.5.7 All openings are to be adequately framed; attention is to be paid to structural continuity, and abrupt changes of shape, section or plate thickness are to be avoided. Arrangements in way of corners and openings are to be such as to minimise the creation of stress concentrations. Where a deck longitudinal is cut, compensation is to be arranged to ensure full continuity of strength.

Table 1.4.9 Cantilever beams

Location and supporting arrangements Required modulus, in cm3, see Notes
Cantilever beam Supporting frame
(1) Any position - no support from end girders Zо = 8,67k M о(Z о = 85k M о) Z v =
(2) At hatch side - uniform loading, partial support received from hatch side girder, see Figure 1.4.3 Section moduli of hatch end beams :   Z v =
(a) Hatch side girder supported by Rule hatch end beams or pillars at hatch corners Z u =
(b) Hatch side girder supported by end bulkheads of hold - no Rule hatch end beams or pillars Z u as in (a) or the following formula, whichever is the greater:
(c) No transverse bulkheads between hatchways, no Rule hatch end beams or pillars, see Notes Z u as in (a) or the following formula, whichever is the greater:
(d) At hatch side - concentrated loading Z u as in (a), (b) or (c), whichever is applicable, or as the following formula, whichever is the greater:
  Required inertia, in cm4
Case (1) or (2)

Note 1. Where a transverse bulkhead is fitted at only one end of a hatchway the section modulus of cantilever beams is to be a mean of the values obtained from (2)(b) and (2)(c).

Note 2. Where only cantilevers in the length of a hatchway consist of two or three close together at the mid-length of hatchway, their modulus is to be determined by calculating the modulus of a single cantilever at mid-length and dividing this by the actual number of cantilevers.

Note 3. If a negative value is obtained for the required section modulus, cantilevers are not necessary for the arrangement considered.

Note 4. In calculating the actual section modulus of a cantilever or supporting frame, the effective area of attached plating is to be as given in Pt 3, Ch 3, 3 Structural idealisation. Intermediate beams or frames within the effective breadth may be included in the calculation.

Note 5. Rule hatch end beams are those with scantlings determined from Table 1.4.6, assuming that the hatch side girder has a span between hatch end beams.

Note 6. The section modulus of cantilever beams is to be not less than that determined from Table 1.4.5 Strength/weather, cargo and accommodation deck beams for beams in the same position.

Note 7. The section modulus of side frames, pillars or pillar bulkhead stiffeners supporting cantilevers is to be not less than that required for ordinary side frames, pillars or pillar bulkhead stiffeners, as determined from the appropriate Sections of the Rules.

Note 8. The scantlings of the cantilever bracket within the shaded area shown in Figure 1.4.2 Deck cantilevers are to be as follows:

(a) Where tripping brackets are not fitted:

(b) Where tripping brackets are fitted at the positions indicated in Figure 1.4.2 Deck cantilevers:

In general the radius at the throat of the cantilever bracket is to be not less than d c.

Note 9. The cantilever beam and supporting frame face plates may be gradually tapered from the limits of the shaded area shown in Figure 1.4.2 Deck cantilevers. The web depth of the supporting frame may be tapered to a minimum of 0,5d f at the base.

Note 10. Where the web thickness of cantilevers or supporting frames is less than transverse web stiffeners are to be fitted spaced approximately 1,5d w apart. In no case is the web thickness outside the limits of the cantilever brackets to be less than

Where stiffeners are fitted parallel to the face plates, the stiffening arrangements will be specially considered.

f = overall length of cantilever, in metres Where there is no centreline support:
k = higher tensile steel factor as defined in Pt 4, Ch 1, 1.5 Symbols and definitions 1.5.1 dc = web depth of cantilever, at root of bracket, in mm, see Figure 1.4.2 Deck cantilevers
lb = distance, in metres, between transverse bulkheads, see Figure 1.4.4 Deck supporting structure. Where there is no bulkhead midway between hatchways, l b is to be measured to a point midway between hatchways df = web depth of frame at root of bracket, in mm, see Figure 1.4.2 Deck cantilevers
lh = length of hatchway, in metres, see Figure 1.4.4 Deck supporting structure dw = web depth of cantilever or frame, in mm
C = cargo stowage rate in m3/tonne as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading, and is to be taken as 1,39 m3/tonne unless specified otherwise
e = web depth, in mm, as shown in Figure 1.4.2 Deck cantilevers
Z a = section modulus, in cm3, of hatch side girder which is to be not less than that calculated from Table 1.4.6 Deck girders, transverses and hatch beams, taking the span between cantilevers
n = number of cantilevers between the hatch end beams
Zb = mean of section moduli, in cm3, of longitudinal girders in line with hatch side girder (Z b is to be taken not greater than Z a) t = thickness of cantilever bracket, in mm
Zd = u, v = lever arms, in metres, as shown in Figure 1.4.2 Deck cantilevers
Zo = section modulus, in cm3, of cantilever beam, not supported by end girder, at distance u from outer end Af = sectional area, in cm2, of cantilever bracket face plate
Zt = section modulus, in cm3, of frame or stiffener above cantilever, see Figure 1.4.2 Deck cantilevers. (Where there is no frame or stiffener above cantilever Z t = 0) Bh = breadth of hatch, in metres, see Figure 1.4.4 Deck supporting structure
Zu = section modulus, in cm3, of cantilever beam, partially supported by hatch side girder at end, at distance u from outer end E =
Zv = section modulus, in cm3, of supporting frame, at distance v from lower end G =
Z 1, Z 2, Z 3 = mean of section moduli, in cm3, of hatch end beams calculated for the positions shown in Figure 1.4.3 Section moduli of hatch end beams . Z 2 is to be taken as the smaller modulus of the two sections adjacent to the hatch side G1 =
β =

E is determined as follows:

H 1, H 2, H 3 = mean height of hold or 'tween decks, in metres, as shown in Figure 1.4.2 Deck cantilevers. At weather decks, H 2 and H 3 are to be taken equivalent to the weather head h 1 as defined in Pt 3, Ch 3, 5 Design loading
When centreline bulkheads or pillars are fitted: Mo = bending moment, in kN m, on the cantilever beam due to the load supported by a single cantilever. This bending moment is to be calculated about an axis at a distance u from the end. For hatch side cantilevers with uniformly distributed loading this will equal
E = Sc = spacing of cantilevers, in metres, see Figure 1.4.4 Deck supporting structure

Figure 1.4.1 Hatch end beam arrangements

Figure 1.4.2 Deck cantilevers

Figure 1.4.3 Section moduli of hatch end beams

Figure 1.4.4 Deck supporting structure

Figure 1.4.5 Elliptical and parabolic corners

Figure 1.4.6 Insert plates for large openings

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